Wednesday, May 24, 2006

When I Don't Desire God

Have you every read something and the lightbulb in your head simply clicked on? Suddenly, you understand. I found this quote in a book I started reading yesterday by John Piper (for all you who asked, I like John Piper. Of course, I disagree in some points, but his books and sermons have helped to illuminate truth for my soul), When I Don't Desire God. The quote is actually by C.S. Lewis (an incredible man) and is originally found in his biography Surprised by Joy. When I Don't Desire God has moved me in a great way already, and am excited in anticipation of the impact it will have on my life. The subtitle of the book is How to Fight for Joy. Piper warns against pursuing joy, not Christ, and he places this quote by Lewis who wrote his whole biography around his mistakes. Here is the quote:

"You cannot hope and also think about hoping at the same moment;
for in hope we look to hope’s object and we interrupt this by (so to
speak) turning round to look at the hope itself. . . . The surest means
of disarming an anger or a lust was to turn your attention from the
girl or the insult and start examining the passion itself. The surest way of spoiling a pleasure was to start examining your satisfaction. . . . I perceived (and this was the wonder of wonders) that . . . I had been equally wrong in supposing that I desired Joy itself. Joy itself,
considered simply as an event in my own mind, turned out to be of
no value at all. All the value lay in that of which Joy was the desiring.
And that object, quite clearly, was no state of my own mind or
body at all. . . . I asked if Joy itself was what I wanted; and, labeling
it “aesthetic experience,” had pretended I could answer Yes. But that
answer too had broken down. Inexorably Joy proclaimed, “You
want—I myself am your want of—something other, outside, not you
nor any state of you.”

Monday, May 15, 2006

Christ, My All

I found, yesterday, a great reminder as I read through a manuscript of one of John Piper's sermons (from of who Christ is. This was a great encouragement and challenge to me.

There are at least seven things said about Christ in Hebrews 1:1-4.
(1) He is real—don't ever forget that. Cultivate a relationship with this person. Put Jesus at the center of your life. Relate to Jesus. Some of us became Christians through a form of evangelism that was exactly right. It said, "Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?" That's the right question. Sometimes we take it very lightly, but here's a person and he's alive and he's here and he's in heaven. He can do that. And he's glorious. Let's see how glorious he is because it's the gloriousness of the glory of the person that makes the laying down of his life so spectacularly valuable and assuring.
(2) He created—through him all things were made.
(3) He is the radiance of the Father's glory --so if you want to know the glory, the moral beauty of the glory of the father, read the gospel and behold the person of Jesus because he's the radiance (the streaming out, the effulgence) of the glory of God.
(4) He is the exact character or representation of the father's divine nature. If you've seen me, you've seen the father.
(5) He upholds the universe --all things—by the word of his power. So today this person is infinitely powerful. He is speaking all the solar system, and all the Milky Way, and all the other galaxies into being , as well as all the molecules and all the wood and brick of this building. He's holding our flesh and hair and skin and lungs and tissue and fingernails in being right now. If he were to stop thinking you into being you would cease to be. That's how dependent you are on this person.
(6) He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty and the seating is an enthronement. He is the king of the universe. He's at the right hand of God the Father and he reigns over all government. He reigns over the devil. He reigns over weather. He reigns over heart attacks and cancer and Parkinson's disease. He reigns tonight.
(7) Therefore he is greater than the angels. Sort of sounds like an anticlimax. But the rest of the chapter is devoted to this— to the utter superiority of this person over all other heavenly persons save the Father.
So that's number one—we are dealing tonight with a person. He's alive. He's real and all seven of those facts are true about him. That's the person who made purification.

Friday, May 12, 2006

God's Gift of Music

Have you ever stopped to consider the breathtaking creation of music? How music has an effect on your memory? How music has an affect on your countenance? What a gift God has given you and me! You and I can sing, praise, extol, and simply make a joyful noise before our heavenly father. To think music was created (for me) and now I can participate in God’s creation. God’s gift of music affects me personally in so many ways as I am sure it does you. Obviously, music has an effect on our physical bodies. When I hear music, almost instinctively my foot subconsciously begins to tap. This action is only one simple illustration of many that show the effect music has on my body. I do not want to look into the controversial effects of music (lifting your hands or dancing, not my place), but instead the joys that music has on our material bodies. God created music to lift up our hearts and to turn our focus on Him, but at the same time music exhilarates our being and encourages us bodily. There is more…

What about the emotional affect on our souls? After moving to Wisconsin from Michigan I struggled with making new friends and basically opening a new chapter of my life. And I still remember lying in bed nearly every night those first few weeks singing “Lord, I Need You.” Singing and weeping. My ten year old mind could not comprehend why God would move me from my home, my birthplace, my friends, my church, and move me from all I knew. The struggle of a little kid trying to make friends again was deep. I felt alone. So I would sing the song “Lord, I Need You” many times weeping. But He heard my cry and the music would life my soul. Then peacefully I would know this truth: God was near and he held my tears in his hands. How about you? How has music lifted your soul? I had a friend who lost her dad when she was in junior high. She would always play the piano when she would miss her dad. It always helped. Music has an effect on our emotions. There is more…

The spiritual effect of music often brings light to our eyes. God created music to praise him. I read three Psalms yesterday for my daily bible reading; Psalm 28, Psalm 42, Psalm 43. All three are not specifically teaching praise worship to God, but in the mist of trouble, of fleeting days, of evil within the hearts of men, and of souls cast down, each Psalm stops to thanks and to praise God.

- Psalm 28:7b “My heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.”

- Psalm 42:11b “Hope in God; for I shall again praise him.”

- Psalm 43:4b “And I will praise you with the lyre, O God, my God.”

Music should be full of thanks and praise to God. Now after we have considered music on earth, imagine what the music will be like in heaven. Music Divine. Some day we will be surrounded with glorious, overwhelming sounds that will flood our ears. Magnificent day! Remember the joy of music, today! I found another s
ong that I read through, Love lifted me, words by James Rowe.

I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore, Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more, But the Master of the sea, heard my despairing cry, From the waters lifted me, now safe am I.
Love lifted me! Love lifted me! When nothing else could help. Love lifted me!

All my heart to Him I give, ever to Him I'll cling In His blessèd presence live, ever His praises sing, Love so mighty and so true, merits my soul's best songs, Faithful, loving service too, to Him belongs.

Love lifted me! Love lifted me! When nothing else could help. Love lifted me!

Souls in danger look above, Jesus completely saves, He will lift you by His love, out of the angry waves. He's the Master of the sea, billows His will obey, He your Saviour wants to be, be saved today.

Love lifted me! Love lifted me! When nothing else could help. Love lifted me!

Monday, May 08, 2006

My New Phone

Last Friday, I went to Verizon store in town not to buy a new phone, but I went to look at phones that were available (a possible mistake). I strolled out of Verizon with a brand new phone called the V! This phone is awesome! It is an Mp3 player, and it has video and camera capabilities. The phone flips up so I can text a whole lot easier than I could on most other phones (It also has games made just for my phone). I really can only thank God for the phone he gave me. Usually, I don’t get the nice phones. I have gone from owning the cheap phone (the free one you get with a plan) to the V. I hope in the future I will take care of this phone better than the others I have had in the past. I have had three phones since August (not a good track record). So I have dedicated this phone to the Lord, may all that is said and done with my phone be glorifying to God. He alone gets the praise!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Northland Summer Camp 2006

Only a twenty-six days before I have the chance once again to serve the Lord at Northland with all my friends. I just downloaded my sermons off Northland camp's page. 26 days!!! I cannot wait!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Forgiveness Sets Us Free

Think of David and Christian from Pilgrim's Progress and of the joy they were feeling when their burdens fell off their shoulders. Think of the joy David was feeling when he composed the first two verses of Psalm 32,

1 Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. 2 Blessed is the man against whom the LORD counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.

After two years of struggling with sin and resisting confession (v. 3, 4), David finally gave up and gave his sin over to God. He pleads guilty before God to his sin with Bathsheba!

5 I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity;I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the LORD," and you forgave the iniquity of my sin.

The release was no simple release. David during this time prays Psalm 51 and God forgives him. David was set free. He was not set free of the consequences as we see throughout the rest of David’s life, but he was set free from the guilt. No more hiding. No more reasoning. No more broken fellowship. No more running. David came and confessed his transgressions to God. The result is joy. Incomparable Joy!

So often I fight guilt in my own strength. I try to run from my guilt, or I try to reason my guilt away. All my efforts fail. Confess and God will forgive. Christ will take our burdens far away, as he did for Christian. If I only realized this truth: Forgiveness Sets Us Free.

9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.