1. I've been watching a music video every morning while I eat breakfast. The song and footage drill home that you will waste your life unless Christ is in the center. That re-enforced by Isaiah 43:11 and Psalm 33: 13-17 has opened my eyes to other functional saviors in my life. Saviors like clothes (if only I had that shirt or style), money (if I had money then I would be secure), relationship (if I had a girlfriend...), job (if I had the perfect job, I would be happy), etc. God whispers, "No, I, yes I, am the Lord, and there is no other Savior." I have confessed many times this week that I have failed by putting my trust in something or someone other than Jesus.
2. I am thankful for where I am. Its easy to wish I was somewhere else or in different circumstances, but I don't want that. Not now. I want to live here, where I am right now, living for Christ. Not neglecting the future, but living simply. Dr. Doran calls it daily simple devotion to Christ. I have to have that.
3. Integrity. I am not sure what it means, but I want it more than any other quality, and I think I lack it more than any other quality. Please God.
If anything I am writing this to myself. Still, I hope someone finds it encouraging.
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